Setup Line login on Boostpress social login plugin

1) Login to LINE Console

2) Click Create a new provider

  • 2.1) Fill provider name
  • 2.2) Click Create

สร้าง Provider

3) Create a LINE Login channel

  • 3.1) Channel type: LINE Login
  • 3.2) Provider: “test-provider”
  • 3.3) Region to provide the service: “Thailand”
  • 3.4) Company or owner’s country or region: “Thailand”
  • 3.5) Channel name: “Test-Channel”
  • 3.6) Channel description: “-“
  • 3.7) App types: Web app
  • 3.8) Untick require two-factor authen.
  • 3.9) Email address: “”
  • 3.10) Check I have read and agree to the LINE Developers Agreement
  • 3.11) Check I have read and acknowledge LINE Privacy Policy
  • 3.12) Click Create

สร้าง Provider

สร้าง Provider

4) Basic settings

  • 4.1) Click Apply on Email address permission label
  • 4.2) Check, My app only collects a user’s email address …
  • 4.3) Check, I will follow LINE user data policy
  • 4.4) Click Register Screenshot (Capture your register / login page )
  • 4.5) Click Submit

Basic setting

Apply Email address permission

Request for email permission

5) Setup LINE Login

  • 5.1) Click Edit Callback URL
  • 5.2) Fill Callback URL from Callback URL on LINE Login Settings page
  • 5.3) click Update

Request for email permission

6) Copy Channel ID & Channel Secret follow image

Request for email permission

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